side 13-15 from 15 Products
“Less is more"
Like all other manufacturers of luxury handbags, Celine only uses the highest quality materials. Since Celine bags are usually made of real and high-quality full leather, they have a higher weight than fake bags made of cheaper materials. What is often smiled at, but still proves to be an effective means is a "smell test". This often shows after a short time whether it could be a fake. Leather smells of leather. This test applies to all brands we offer.
With Celine it is also important that the seams have been processed or sewn symmetrically and in very good quality. As well as all other brands, counterfeits have unsightly and poorly processed seams.
The Celine logo
Most Celine bags have the lettering "Celine" and the lettering "Paris" on the front. The accent for bags from 2008 must always be present on the É from Celine. The lettering is always clean and centered and is always easy to read in the overall picture - so no quality defects. Inside a celineBag There is a label with the inscription "Made in Italy".
The serial number
The serial number is inside the Bag. It usually consists of three letters (capitalized) and four numbers. A Celine series number is never clear. Say the same number can occur in different pockets.
No, Celine offers a large selection of leather (also exotic).
"Made in Italy" is on Celine bags.
Yes, in every real céline-Bag Find a serial number inside the Bag is embossed on a sewn -in leather patch. The serial number is not clear and can be repeated, but should always correspond to the following scheme: a letter, two letters and four digits.
Unfortunately, only the small versions of a 'luggage'Bag a shoulder strap.